Traditionally meaning “an offering of food”, Anna Daana is served every day for the less-privileged at the Prasanna Trust.
Poor nutrition and health among the underprivileged contributes to the inefficiency of our socio-economic systems. Nutritional and health factors are powerful influences on each persons ability to endure.
Each day, we serve 10,000 to 13,000 meals to 25 rural schools, 4 to 5 Government hospitals and slum areas. Students, homeless people, patients in the hospitals and their caregivers who would otherwise go hungry.
Food should be served in an organized, dignified, equitable and friendly manner.
Towards this, our model nutritious free food programs strictly observes the following serving rules:
- All our meals are served in a clean open space which has been swept in advance every day.
- All children are made to wash their hands with soap before eating.
- Adequate quantity is served with a second helping if required.
- Absolutely No wastage of food, with any extra food, if any, being re-distributed to the needy.
An attempt to end hunger is one of the best feelings which can change the quality of life. Food symbolizes mothers love and let us be instruments of this goodness of Anna Daana. Ending hunger is lifting the quality of consciousness. To grow tall spiritually one must first learn to kneel and serve and thus be humble.